Our Mission: To live in Christ, and to grow as a Community of Faith, Hope, Love and Joy.
Our Vision: Growing God’s kingdom one life at a time.
Our Values: Wakatipu Presbyterian Church is a community who are…
centered on the Bible
The Bible is the living and active story of God. We are called to know, live, and share God’s story. Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16
growing in God’s Love
Jesus calls us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Mark 12:3-31, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
United in Worship
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to express the glory of God with adoration in spirit and truth. Psalm 95:6-7, Revelation 14:7
called to Discipleship
Following Jesus we are called to know him, grow in his likeness, and to make disciples. Matthew 4:19, Matthew 28:19-20
encouraged to Participate
We value the participation of all ages using their spiritual giftings and strengths to build up the church as the body of Christ. 1 Peter 4:10, Mark 10:14. 1 Corinthians 14:26
Current (ratified August 2014) Goals:
- To develop new opportunities for people to know Christ and to worship.
- To invite people of all ages to faith.
- To strengthen the existing congregations that they may grow and offer space/protection to the newly formed groups till they are established and strong, and they in turn can nourish and encourage the older congregations.
- To ensure that discipleship becomes a way of life (for all members) and not simply a programme.
- To ensure the Church is involved in the community, where we are actively seeking ways to be a blessing to all peoples.
- To strengthen and broaden our leadership to better reach our diverse and growing community.
- To be a Church of positive influence in the community for this and coming generations.