Our Mission, Vision, Values and General Goals

Our Mission: To live in Christ, and to grow as a Community of Faith, Hope, Love and Joy.

Our Vision: Growing God’s kingdom one life at a time.

Our Values: Wakatipu Presbyterian Church is a community who are…

centered on the Bible

The Bible is the living and active story of God. We are called to know, live, and share God’s story. Psalm 119:105, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16

growing in God’s Love

Jesus calls us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Mark 12:3-31, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

United in Worship

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to express the glory of God with adoration in spirit and truth. Psalm 95:6-7, Revelation 14:7

called to Discipleship

Following Jesus we are called to know him, grow in his likeness, and to make disciples. Matthew 4:19, Matthew 28:19-20

encouraged to Participate 

We value the participation of all ages using their spiritual giftings and strengths to build up the church as the body of Christ. 1 Peter 4:10, Mark 10:14. 1 Corinthians 14:26

Current (ratified August 2014) Goals: 

  • To develop new opportunities for people to know Christ and to worship.
  • To invite people of all ages to faith.
  • To strengthen the existing congregations that they may grow and offer space/protection to the newly formed groups till they are established and strong, and they in turn can nourish and encourage the older congregations.
  • To ensure that discipleship becomes a way of life (for all members) and not simply a programme.
  • To ensure the Church is involved in the community, where we are actively seeking ways to be a blessing to all peoples.
  • To strengthen and broaden our leadership to better reach our diverse and growing community.
  • To be a Church of positive influence in the community for this and coming generations.

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Organisational Guidelines

The Wakatipu Community Presbyterian Church (WCPC) is one Church incorporating congregations based at St Andrew’s – Queenstown, St John’s – Arrowtown, St Margaret’s – Frankton, and Kingston. Each congregation is unique and has a particular call yet each sits within the governance of the whole.

Note: UPDATES: these guidelines were updated on the 14th July 2015.  
In addition to the 2015 update a name change from Parish Council to 
Church Council agreed in February 2017 necessitated the removal of all 
references to 'parish' and to replace this with 'church'.  
A small change to the role of Church Council appointees was also made 
in February 2019, refer 'NOTE 2'

The Church Council

  1. Definition

A Court known as the Church Council provides spiritual oversight, leadership in mission, pastoral care, and governance of the Wakatipu Community Presbyterian Church. The rights, privileges, responsibilities and duties of the Church Council are as contained in chapter 7 of the Book of Order, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.

A copy of the Book of Order (BOO) can be viewed (or downloaded) from the PCANZ website. These guidelines should be read in conjunction with chapters 6 & 7 of the BOO.

  1. Functions

Spiritual Leadership: To encourage Christian commitment and devotion within the congregation by words and by example.  The Church Council exercises rule in spiritual matters within the Congregation, and its duty is to lead in prayer and outreach and to promote Christian maturity.  The Church Council has the responsibility to determine the suitability of those undertaking leadership roles within the church.

Pastoral Care: To ensure effective pastoral care of all persons for whom the church is responsible.

Worship and Sacraments: To fix times and places of public worship, arranges for the administration of the sacraments, giving approval of baptisms and when and where communion will be shared and appoints special times for prayer or fasting.

Church Rolls: To maintain the rolls of members and associates (to be updated annually at least 4 weeks before each Annual Meeting).

Oversight of Facility use:  to determine, when necessary, the uses to which the church buildings may be put.

Records: To see that all minutes and records required by the Church are kept, secured, and produced when requested.

Denominational Church Representation: To arrange for the appointment of members to the Southern Presbytery; Synod of Otago and Southland and General Assembly. To make nominations when called for by the regional and national courts of the PCANZ.

Church Representation:  To form committees and workgroups to be responsible for particular aspects of church life. The Council establishes these groups, appoints the Chairperson, sets their terms of reference, and receives regular reports on their work. Committees have planning and defined executive functions within the policies approved by the Church Council, however, the Church Council remains ultimately responsible for those aspects of church Life.

Congregational Meetings: To encourage and promote, as far as may be possible and fruitful, meetings of the Congregation in order to foster the widest possible participation of the people in the life, concerns, and mission of the Church. As a minimum, there shall be an Annual Meeting normally held between August and October.

Accountability: To report to the whole Church at an Annual Meeting and to consider recommendations from the congregation.

Discipline: To determine matters of disagreement and discipline that affects the Church giving full consideration to the pastoral care to individual(s), the wider parish, the laws of the land and Church, and to natural justice.  This does not affect any individual(s) right to apply to a higher court of the Church.

Oversight of Election of elders: To arrange the procedure for the nomination and election of elders of the WCPC.

  1. Members of The Church Council

The ministry of the church is exercised by the whole people of God, among whom both individuals and groups may be called to particular forms of witness and service.

Members of The Church Council

The ministry of the church is exercised by the whole people of God, among whom both individuals and groups may be called to particular forms of witness and service.

The Church Council shall consist of:

  • The Minister(s) of the Church or Interim Moderator.
  • The Church Clerk
  • Congregational appointees (up to 3 per congregation)  (see note 1)

i.         Duly elected, ordained and inducted elders. (60% or greater)

ii.         Duly elected and inducted non elders. (40% or less)

  • Church Council appointees (maximum 3)  (see note 2)
  • Associate members (see note 3)
  • A Minute Clerk (appointed by the Church Council) (see note 4)

Moderator:                   The Church Council is normally chaired by the senior Minister. The Moderator cannot move or second a motion and has no deliberative or casting vote. When absent or in circumstances that in his or her opinion warrants such action, the Moderator may deputise another Minister of the Southern Presbytery or a member of Church Council.

Church Clerk:               The Church Council must appoint a member of the Council (or the Wakatipu Community Presbyterian Church) to be Church Clerk for a fixed period of not more than three years. This can be extended for further appointments up to a maximum of 9 years. After a break, a person may be reelected.

Term of Office:          Each year prior to the Church annual meeting each congregation may appoint up to three members to represent them on the Church Council. These appointments to be made at a meeting of each respective congregation. Individuals would normally serve for 3 years and not more than 6 years without a break. Each appointment would be for a 3-year term and for not more than 6 years. After a break, a person may be reelected. Note: At least two of the three appointed should be an elder, variance from this may be allowed as long as the overall council membership is at least 60% elders.

  1. Meetings
  • Meetings:         The Church Council shall meet monthly on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise agreed. Meetings of the Church Council are open to members of the Church except where matters of a pastoral or confidential nature are being considered, or when deemed expedient to meet in private, in which case the meeting is open only to current Church Council members.
  • Practices:  The Church Council meeting shall be run using standard meeting guidelines and procedures. Decisions will normally be made by consensus, however, any member can call for a vote, at any time.
  • Quorum:  A quorum of the Church Council consists of one third of it’s (voting) members, plus one of the ministers.
  • Records:  The Clerk is to keep a roll of its members and associates, take charge of its papers, books and documents.  The Clerk shall keep official minutes of each meeting of the Church Council.


[Note 1] Currently this is defined as St Andrews (Manna), St Johns, St Margarets, the Wakatipu Global Community, and Kingston (as of January 2023).

[Note 2] Normally appointed to fill a perceived need; ie developing ministries, lay – ordained balance, gender or age balance, particular expertise. Church Council Appointees are full members of the Church Council, and are therefore officers of the Church.

[Note 3] Associate members will include The Treasurer, Ministry Interns, and up to two others appointed by the Church Council at it’s discretion as required. Associates have the right to speak and to move motions, but not to vote. Associates, except for the Treasurer, are not officers of the Church.

[Note 4] The Minute Clerk may not speak, move or vote, and is not an officer of the Church.

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Audio and Audio-Visual Sermons

2014 06 April 2014 Lazarus 

2020 29th March - Commands to Live By
2020 5th April - Palm Sunday 'See your King'
2020 10th April - Good Friday
2020 12th April - Resurrection Sunday
2020 19th April - Emmaus
2020 26th April - He ate the fish
2020 3rd May - Gone Fishing
2020 17th May - One-Anothering 
2020 31st May - Pentecost
2020 6th June - Authority in Word and Deed

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Queenstown, Frankton and Arrowtown Wedding Services.

Guidelines for WEDDINGS within the


The 2012 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand declared that it “upholds the historic Christian understanding of marriage as the loving, faithful union of a man and a woman”.  This is our understanding of the nature of marriage. Any wedding conducted by our ministers, or within our premises, will be consistent with these beliefs.

Photo by Aspiring Photography.


  1. Setting your Wedding Day:         All weddings to be held in one of our premises must be approved by a minister of the Church. The couple, or their agent, needs to communicate with the minister in order to seek approval and to reserve the day and time for the wedding and rehearsal. It is advisable to make the necessary arrangements well in advance of the date you desire to be married.
  2. Celebrant:    Wedding ceremonies held within our premises will be officiated by one of our Ministers or their nominee. However, upon request, it may be possible guest clergy or a civil celebrant to officiate. Please discuss this with Rev Carlton Johnstone for Arrowtown and Rev Ian Guy for wedding services at Queenstown or Frankton.
  3. Christian nature of the service: When a couple asks to be married by one of our ministers or to use our buildings for their wedding service we assume that they desire the blessing of God on their marriage and that they want to begin their life together in God’s sight and in God’s presence. A man and a woman take each other as husband and wife not only as a private act of commitment but also before their community and God. It is important that the marriage service reflects Christian faith and is consistent with the Church’s understanding of marriage. It is advisable to discuss these matters fully with the Minister, or your celebrant, prior to entering into any firm commitment.
  4. Fees: The fees below apply to all except active, confirmed members of the congregations of the Church.

Current charges are:

  • Use of Church building $500*
  • Service of the Minister $550*  (off site this fee may vary)
  • Gratuity for Organist/Sound Operator $150 – suggested

Reimbursement of material costs re Marriage Preparation $65, if used. (varies depending on material used).

*these costs will be invoiced prior to your wedding. Any marriage preparation costs by negotiation and the organist gratuity is normally paid in cash on the day. Where rooms are needed in addition to the church building additional fees will apply.

(Note: fees updated June 2023)

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Building Use Policy

Building Use Policy

Many not-for-profit’s, community groups, commercial organisations and other churches use our buildings for meetings, programs, lectures, classes, presentations, and other activities. Our policy regarding building use is as follows:

The Wakatipu Community Presbyterian Church has three main centres: Queenstown, Frankton, and Arrowtown. In each location, we seek to share our facilities with the community as appropriate. The Church Council believes that it is good stewardship of our property to have the church buildings active, open, and alive throughout the week. However, first and foremost these buildings were built to the glory of God and are for the purposes of Christian worship and ministry. Therefore we reserve the right to ensure that whatever other use is made of these premises that they be used in ways which are wholesome, appropriate, and respectful of Presbyterian values and beliefs.

All building use requests must be approved, and are subject to calendar availability, space availability, and type of use. Phone the church office for more information, 03 441 4250.

(Policy last updated September 2013)

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Get the Fear

This morning we begin a 4 week series looking at the book of Jonah – a familiar story that has much to teach us about the sovereignty, and justice and mercy of God.  Jonah 1.

By way of background we need to be aware that Jonah ministered between 800-750BC during a time of relative peace for the northern kingdom of Israel. However a major threat from the north was posed by Assyria, whose intentions for domination of the region were obvious.

Jonah was a contemporary of Elisha, Amos and Hosea. Earlier in his career he had been used by God to bring good news to Israel, in particular he encouraged King Jeroboam to restore Israel’s borders to their former glory (2 Kings 14:25). I’m sure this positive prophet became popular in the royal court and no doubt enjoyed the good favour of the people as well.

However no sooner had Israel achieved the promised security than she began to gloat over her success and became exceedingly complacent about her favoured status with God (Amos 6:1). Religion became focused upon the Day of the Lord (Am 5:18-20) in which other nations would be engulfed in darkness while Israel basked in God’s light.

In any age what does God require of us? Continue reading

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Song to the Holy Spirit

Lord, Holy Spirit,
You blow like the wind in a thousand paddocks,
Inside and outside the fences,
You blow where you wish to blow.

Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the sun who shines on the little plant,
You warm him gently, you give him life,
You raise him up to become a tree with many leaves.

Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the mother eagle with her young,
Holding them in peace under your feathers.
On the highest mountain you have built your nest,
Above the valley, above the storms of the world,
Where no hunter ever comes.

Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the bright cloud in whom we hide,
In whom we know already that the battle has been won.
You bring us to our Brother Jesus
To rest our heads upon his shoulder.

Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the kind fire who does not cease to burn,
Consuming us with flames of love and peace,
Driving us out like sparks to set the world on fire.

Lord, Holy Spirit,
In the love of friends you are building a new house,
Heaven is with us when you are with us.
You are singing your songs in the hearts of the poor
Guide us, wound us, heal us. Bring us to the Father

– James K. Baxter, ‘Song to the Holy Spirit’, in Collected Poems (ed. John Edward Weir; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), 572.

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No need to be imprisoned

From a sermon delivered 12th May. Read Acts 16:16-40

Paul and Silas are going to a place of prayer and meet a woman. This woman is a no-name slave girl, no power, no status, no freedom: doubly enslaved: to her human master and to a spirit that bound her in fear.

At first reading I am confused by Paul’s reaction – this woman is after all speaking the truth, at least close to it; she provides free advertising for Paul. Continue reading

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New Zealand National Anthem

In New Zealand we have two national anthems of equal status: God of Nations and God Save the Queen. God of Nations was written as a poem/prayer by Thomas Bracken of Dunedin in the 1870’s and was set to the music of John Joesph Woods of Lawrence in 1876. On Christmas Day that year it was first performed in Dunedin but did not become an official national anthem until 1977.  A Māori version was written in 1878 and today the first verses of both the English and Māori are commonly sung at events where as a nation we are stressing our national identity – ie before a sporting test. But I also like to sing it as a prayer.

Please consider it carefully and pray it. For those of us in the Wakatipu, especially as we seek God’s guidance in establishing the Wakatipu Global Community, this is a particularly appropriate prayer. These old words speak to our situation today. We seek to worship together, men and women from the nations, our responsibility before God is to call all people of every race to come and know God, to worship God and to grow in faith.

God of nations! at Thy feet
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our Free Land.
Guard Pacific’s triple star,
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand

Men of ev’ry creed and race
Gather here before Thy face,
Asking Thee to bless this place,
God defend our Free Land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
And corruption guard our State,
Make our country good and great,
God defend New Zealand.

Peace, not war, shall be our boast,
But, should foes assail our coast,
Make us then a mighty host,
God defend our Free Land.
Lord of battles in thy might,
Put our enemies to flight,
Let our cause be just and right,
God defend New Zealand.

Let our love for Thee increase,
May Thy blessings never cease,
Give us plenty, give us peace,
God defend our Free Land.
From dishonour and from shame
Guard our country’s spotless name
Crown her with immortal fame,
God defend New Zealand.

May our mountains ever be
Freedom’s ramparts on the sea,
Make us faithful unto Thee,
God defend our Free Land.
Guide her in the nations’ van,
Preaching love and truth to man,
Working out Thy Glorious plan,
God defend New Zealand.

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Remember Me

from a sermon delivered Sunday 26th April at St John's, Arrowtown. Read 1 Corinthians 11:1, 17-34

If you have been part of this church, or for that matter, almost any church, for more than a month or two you will be familiar with the words, “Do this in remembrance of me.” In virtually all congregations these words are said each time communion is shared. Continue reading

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