Wakatipu Global Community

Wakatipu Global CommunityQueenstown is a global village – possibly more so than any other town or city in New Zealand and even on the world scene, there are few places hosting so many diverse nationalities.

Here in New Zealand, we are privileged to have as our national anthem a prayer which acknowledges God as being the God of the nations. As a church we do believe that God calls all people to worship together, irrespective of language or race. Our desire is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and the love of God with all peoples.

The Global Community was established by the Church in 2013. At that time Ps João Petreceli and his wife, Tania, serving as missionary pastors from the Presbyterian Church of Brazil were invited to plant this new congregation. Our prayer then and now is: ‘That people may come here from all corners of the world, be encouraged, be blessed, be born again as children of God and then when they go take that knowledge and love with them, that they, in turn, may share God’s truth around this needy world.’

Check out the Wakatipu Global Community at worship 6.30pm every Sunday evening, by emailing or ringing the church office or contact Ps Clay Peterson. 021 829117

Preaching is typically conducted in Brazilian Portuguese with the rest of the service a mix of English, Spanish and Portuguese. The sermons are translated into English.

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