St Andrew’s Queenstown

St Andrew's Presbyterian church queenstown new zealand

photos taken by Tania PetreceliSt Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Queenstown

every Sunday at St Andrew’s two services are held.

The day begins at 9am with Manna (breakfast church), held in the main church through the front doors. 

Then in the evening from 6.30pm it is the turn of our Wakatipu Global Community. A congregation mainly composed of recent immigrants from Brazil and other South American countries. Typically this service is held in Portuguese with translation to English available for the sermon and other key items.

The St Andrew’s complex is available for the use of other groups, including weddings on the understanding that users respect our Building Use policy, our weddings policy, and any other requirements given to them at the time of booking. Please read the policies indicated by clicking on the links and speak to our office if you would like to make a booking.


An historical overview of the St Andrew’s parish and its ministers »

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